This is really useful for me to think about. I realize my wife and I often try to keep details of a big plan under wraps—largely a lesson learned from the few times something in a plan went wrong and disappointed our kids! As they get older and can process those emotions more capably, having a rough plan could help them focus on where they are, AND for what comes afterward.

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I appreciate this post, especially as we get closer to the end of school year and upcoming trips.

Thanks Ash!

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Agree with your article wholeheartedly.

Kids, much like adults, are creatures of habit. But they don’t get to make the rules yet want to know what’s going on. They know what’s going on when they have routines. Any deviation from the routine (even if it’s positive) throws the balance off. The best way to keep the balance? Let them know in advance the balance is going to be thrown off so they can prepare.

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